Photo by C Fab
There is no greater release or prayer you can say for anyone, or for any situation, than THY will is done.
Speak to the present. Thy will IS done is a declaration that you know, even right now, God’s loving flow of good is alive in your life and is something to be respected. Show respect for that outpouring of good by looking at everything in your life and offer PRAISE for it exactly as it is. TRUST that His will is already working for you and those you care about in spite of what appearances might indicate. No matter how much you want to change or “fix” a situation, your desire is not the only reason it will change. Release it to God’s timing and reasoning. He is the only one who truly knows which growth lessons are, or are not, completed inside of your soul. Instead of asking for circumstances to change, ask what lessons need to be learned in order to generate that change.We are constantly motivated by how things “seem” compared to how we want them. God works in the reality of what still needs to be done on a much larger scale. The frailty of human fear often looks at the little picture of what we interpret and don’t like, while all the time God is looking at the big picture of what the soul is learning…and how much each one involved needs to keep processing until those lessons are fulfilled.
Situations can become a group learning process because our lives are intertwined, but we don’t always learn the same lessons from the same challenge. We each have our own spiritual path on this trek called life. Varied answers may come at unexpected times for people who are equally involved. All we can do is take care of our own releasing and trusting because we have our own unique needs. We don’t have the right to change anyone else’s growth pattern…even when we want to so desperately…. AND …even though we want it out of love for them.
When life seems the roughest and hope might be dimming, the most trusting and productive prayer is always THY will IS done. Speak to the present to draw in your good right NOW. Awaken to the inspiration that appearances are often deceiving. Trust that what might appear to be a troubling reality is actually an ongoing gift to you and more to your benefit than you realize.
“Worry is a form of atheism.”
Either we believe He’s got it under control, or we don’t. Choose to Believe. When we stop thinking we know how things should be…we get out of the way so our positivity can flow unencumbered. Usually the results bring more than we ever dreamed.
We’ve all heard the admonishment: “Be careful what you pray for – you might get it.” That comes when our prayers are all about MY will, not THY will. “God gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him.”
God is sad when we hurt…but His goal isn’t for us to stop hurting. His goal is for us to keep growing closer to Him because that’s where the ultimate happiness lies. When we let go of the fears and hurts we hold on to because of appearances…and release them to Him…it’s a positive move in the right direction. The closer we get, the less pain we experience. He doesn’t lessen the pain for us just because that’s what we want. The pain lessens because we make a personal choice to step closer…trust… and lovingly affirm the ultimate prayer… THY will IS done.

Photo by C Fab
All writing from,
"Don't Give Up - Wake Up!"
"Don't Give Up - Wake Up!"
The Amerille Articles
Inspirational Writings of Prosperity, Faith and Positivity
By Clearly Me Luise ™
Copyright 2009© All rights reserved.
photos by C Fab all rights reserved c. 2009
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Copyright 2009© All rights reserved.
photos by C Fab all rights reserved c. 2009
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